“Hour of Code” is a worldwide activity that helps with discovering the programming world, writing the first code lines and being acquainted with computer sciences. In the second week of December it is in operation in more than 45 languages by millions of students, in more than 180 countries.

The countries, that are the superpowers on this field, try to turn the coding trainings in a governing policy. In Turkey, both in public and private schools, this week is celebrated and the students write code lines for the first time in their lives. The most popular materials, that are used worldwide in the field of education technologies, are investigated and introduced to students in the Hour of Code.

In this way, it is planned to encourage the students that are interested in this field to get the chance to have various and deeper perspectives on this subject. After this activity the students receive an ‘’Hour of Code Certificate’’.

It is an opportunity to teach the students the ‘’Do it yourself!’’ culture and to make them aware of the importance of coding at a young age. The major aim of this culture is to convert the consuming society to a productive society.